THE weekly Blue Brazil Lottery draw took place on Friday at Lucie Sue Gifts, Cowdenbeath, when the required numbers were 1 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 10 and 11.

The jackpot of £2,500 was not won so this week’s jackpot will rise to £2,600, with the draw taking place at The Beath Inn, High Street, Cowdenbeath, on Friday at 12 noon.

Every month each person who has a line with none of that week’s winning numbers is entered into a draw and the lucky winner will receive £100. Thus everyone has a second chance to be a winner!

This week Iain Burnett, Jack Lawrie, Noreen Brownlie, John Kane and Barry Strachan (Online), along with Sean Guiney and Jack Denham (CFC) and Craig Bathgate (Alex Haddow), secured a place in the hat for the October booby prize draw which will take place in early November.

The £100 September booby winner was David Watt (Dunfermline) (Online).