THE stock cars returned to the Cowdenbeath after a three-week absence on Saturday and treated the fans to some exciting racing, writes our Racewall reporter, Jim Turner.

The weather was fine, the track was dry and, as a result, there was plenty of close and fast racing.

Brian Youngson picked up a hat-trick of wins in the Two Litre Bangers, whilst there were double wins for Lewis Burgoyne in the Formula IIs, and Stuart Adsley in the Saloons.

In the Formula IIs there was a welcome return of Jason Blacklock, who was out in his new car, whilst Harley Burns was having his first run at the Racewall this year.

Liam Rennie was a late non-starter after straining his ankle, but Euan Millar was back after a two-year absence.

Charlie Faichney led the cars away when heat one started but then lost out to Paul Reid. Reid led for a few laps, but then had to give best to Chris Burgoyne.

Colin Forbes got off line and bounced off the wall, spun, before hitting the wall head on, and Chris Burgoyne then went on to win from Craig Wallace and Reid.

Faichney again led the field away from Forbes in heat two but, after a few laps, Lewis Burgoyne took the lead.

There was then a coming together on the pit bend involving Forbes and Faichney, ensnaring both Chris and Steven Burgoyne in the process, but the former managed to get away quickly.

He was, however, well adrift of Lewis Burgoyne, who won from Chris Burgoyne and Gordon Moodie.

It was Forbes who made the early running in the final, getting ahead of Faichney quickly, before opening up a gap.

Lewis Burgoyne moved ahead of Graeme Leckie into third, and then second a couple of laps later.

Chris Burgoyne was leading the red graders’ chase through the field but, at the halfway stage, Forbes was still clear.

Lewis Burgoyne was beginning to close the gap, and with around five to go, Lewis Burgoyne, then Chris Burgoyne, swept past. After that, Lewis Burgoyne went on to win his second race of the night, crossing the line ahead of Chris Burgoyne and Forbes.

The Grand National was won by Craig Wallace, who led home Chris Burgoyne and Moodie.

The Saloon drivers were gearing up to their forthcoming World Championship, but over the next fortnight they had European and British Championships to contest. After these meetings the top twenty-four seeded drivers will be known.

Making their first Racewall appearances of the season were Charlie Folan and Raymond Dick.

Their first race was for white and yellow grade drivers and, whilst Stuart Adsley led from start to finish, there were spins for Derek Taylor and Folan. In the end Adsley was clear, winning from Cammy Deans and Robin Copland.

The first heat came to a sudden halt, after Holly Glen was bounced off the wall before her car careered across the track and hit the tyres hard. The race was stopped to allow Holly to clamber out of her car.

On the restart, Adsley led the field away and quickly opened up a gap over the chasing cars. Copland pulled out, as did Dick then Nicole Russell.

Stuart Shevill Junior moved into second but couldn't close the gap to the winner, Adsley, whilst Jordan Cassie snatched third from Watters on the penultimate lap.

Heat two was suspended after Chisholm bounced off a marker tyre going into the pit bend and was collected by Dick. By this time, Adsley had moved from third into the lead, and it was he who led the field away on the restart.

After a couple of laps, Folan moved into second and began to close slowly, with Copland in third. With only a few laps remaining, Folan spun hard and, as he did so, Shevill Junior moved into second. However, by now, Adsley was clear and he went on to pick up his second win of the night.

When the final started Derek Taylor took the lead, but next time around, Adsley was ahead. Paterson bounced off a marker tyre, then Folan was sent spinning on the top bend.

A lap later the race was suspended, but when it restarted, Adsley led from Taylor. Shevill Junior, however, was on a charge and he soon appeared in second and, once there, began to catch the leader.

Taylor then spun, whilst Robin Copland got ahead of Jay Carruthers. and with five to go, Shevill Junior took the lead and he went on to win from Adsley and Cassie.

The Prostock Basics drivers turned up in their numbers with the race for track points upmost in the drivers’ minds.

Zoe Stewart was the first to show when heat one started, but a couple of laps later, Mark Blackie Junior was ahead, but behind Taylor Osborne, and Aidan Galloway diced for second.

Whilst Blackie Junior won, he was just a couple of car lengths clear of Osborne and Galloway, but there were four star drivers closing the gap to them but just ran out of time to do so.

Stewart was the first to show when heat two got underway, but when Galloway bounced off a marker tyre, the race was suspended. On the restart Lauren Ford jumped from third into the lead, but a couple of laps later, Stewart bounced off the wall, suffered a puncture and retired.

Colin Ogilvie and Rennie diced for second, often running side by side, but it was the former who managed to get ahead during the closing stages. By then, Ford was well clear, and she crossed the finish line ahead of Ogilvie and Rennie.

When the final started it was Osborne who made the better of the starts to lead from Galloway and Blackie Junior, whilst behind them, Gail Paton was running ahead of Chisholm and Ford, but they were slowly being reeled in by Rennie.

Soon there were a bunch of nine cars dicing for second and some running side by side. In the end Osborne won from Galloway and Blackie Junior, the pair managing to break away from the dicing group.

Although there weren't too many Two Litre Banger drivers about ,there were some spinners!

Douglas McConnachie led the field away from Steve Allan, but next time out the latter was sent spinning by Sean McConnachie. Brian Youngson picked off the two ahead of him to win from Sean then Douglas McConnachie.

Sean McConnachie was the early heat two leader but he was sent spinning by Youngson. When Youngson came to lap, Sean McConnachie the latter had a go at the leader only to be sent spinning again.

Sean McConnachie was sent spinning for a third time as Youngson collected his second win of the night, leading home Douglas then Sean McConnachie, who had only three wheels on his car!

Stevie Allan led the final for a couple of laps, but was then spun out of the lead by Youngson. Slater hit the wall and was collected by Douglas McConnachie, with the latter restarting. In the end, Youngson made it a hat-trick of wins from Douglas McConnachie and Allan.

The next stock car meeting is on Sunday August 4, when the Formula II drivers are back with their mechanics competing in a “Race for the Spanner”, which is in aid of the Ben Fund.

Also in action are the Stock Rods, Ministox and Micro F2s. The meeting will start at 1pm.