WITH the new season fast approaching Cowdenbeath have fixed up two back of shirt sponsors.

The club is delighted to be able to have John Finlay Joiners, and Todd and Duncan behind them again.

These are two popular organisations in the area, the Finlays are long time backers of the Blue Brazil while the latter firm are renowned for exporting their lambswool and cashmere products all over the world from their Kinross base.

Club secretary, David Allan, said: “It is excellent to have these two companies backing Cowdenbeath FC again.

“Todd and Duncan are world renowned spinners from Kinross, and one of the biggest employers in the Perth and Kinross area, while John Finlay Joiners is a local father and son business, with John being a long-time supporter of Cowden.

“The support of these sort of businesses is much appreciated by the club’s board of directors.”