THE stock car meeting at the Cowdenbeath Racewall, on Saturday night, had a spectacular ending when the Formula II cars of Charlie Faichney and John Hogg seemed to lock side bumpers during the Grand National.

As a result, the Faichney car rode the main straight wall with the front wheels above the top of the wall and then crashed heavily into the pit gate, writes our Racewall reporter, Jim Turner.

Whilst the car somehow ended up on all four wheels it could have so easily rolled. A spectacular end to an already exciting meeting.

It was a good night to be a Burgoyne, with Lewis winning the first three Formula II races, and Chris the Grand National. Another driver to dominate was Corey Mathers who won all of the Micro F2 races.

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There was a first win for Kalin Bryson, at the Racewall, in his Saloon, where he led the second Saloon heat from start to finish.

Action from Cowdenbeath RacewallAction from Cowdenbeath Racewall (Image: Contributed)

The fans certainly enjoyed an action packed meeting in what started out as a sunny evening, but clouded over towards the end.

The new European Formula II Champion, Chris Burgoyne, was in action with his roof sporting the red and yellow chequers. Making his debut was Duncan Welsh, who raced Saloons a few years ago.

After his Victory lap by Burgoyne, with his European trophy, the grid formed with Charlie Faichney leading the field away. By the end of the lap Paul Reid was ahead and stayed there until just after the half distance, when Lewis Burgoyne took over. In the end it was Burgoyne 1-2-3, with Lewis leading home Chris then Steven.

Faichney was again the early leader when heat two started, but when under pressure from Reid, he drifted wide and in a flash L. Burgoyne dived through into the lead.

Action from Cowdenbeath RacewallAction from Cowdenbeath Racewall (Image: Contributed)

C. Burgoyne made light work of getting ahead of the red graders and soon appeared in second. However, it wasn't until the closing laps before S. Burgoyne appeared in third. Yes, it was another Burgoyne 1-2-3 with L., C. and S. Burgoyne finishing in that order.

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Faichney was again the final leader, but he only lasted a couple of laps ahead before L. Burgoyne took the lead and quickly eased away. Reid. then lost second to C. Burgoyne, but in turn he had Craig Wallace in close order.

S. Burgoyne was dicing with John Hogg and Jason McDonald, but was losing ground to the leading trio. In the end it was only a Burgoyne 1-2, with L. leading home C Burgoyne and Wallace.

The trophies were presented by Russell Taylor, a Formula II Scottish Champion at Newtongrange, and celebrating his recent marriage.

It didn’t take C. Burgoyne long to take the lead in the Grand National and he went on to win from S. Burgoyne and McDonald.

The new Scottish Saloon Champion, Stuart Shevill Jnr, was in action with roof of his car sporting the Saltire. Making their first appearance of the season were Sean Devine and Logan Bruce The opening heat didn't last long and was suspended after the Devine car shed a spring guard. The field lined up behind Taylor Borthwick but she lost out to David Hughes and no sooner had he taken the lead than he had Ross Watters and Stuart Shevill Jnr in close order.

Watters led for a couple of laps the lost out to Shevill Jnr. Not long after the lead change there was another stoppage. Watters pulled out as Shevill Jnr went on to win from Zak Gilmour and Graeme Shevill, but Borthwick ran into mechanical problems on the last lap and retired.

Kalin Bryson was the initial heat two leader, although he had Borthwick in close order and soon they had David Hughes closing the gap. Watters, McLaughlin and Jordan Cassie were dicing as they made up ground.

On the last lap Borthwick was sent into a spin as Bryson went through for his first Racewall, win from K. Gilmour and Shevill Jnr whilst Devine and Z. Gilmour were last lap spinners.

The final was led off by Borthwick, from Russell and Bryson, but soon Hughes had moved into second. Behind, Shevill Jnr was making up ground, and was soon into the top ten. Gary Paterson closed the gap and a couple of laps later took the lead, but ominously had Shevill Jnr filling his mirrors. and a lap later the lead changed hands with McLaughlin taking advantage as Paterson was off line.

In the end Shevill Jnr went through to win from McLaughlin and Paterson, but on the last lap Barry Glen was sent crashing into the pit bend wall, although somehow managed to drive around it and only lost one place in the process.

There was a healthy turn out of Prostock Basic drivers including five female drivers. John Paton led the field away but on the opening lap James Paton clipped the wall with the car shedding a wheel suspending the race. The field lined up behind John Paton but he quickly lost out to Lauren Ford, although she had Kai Chisholm in close order and they stayed in that order until the end of the race. Gail and John Paton had a spot of synchronised spinning but Gail restarted. In the end Ford led Chisholm home with Joanne Hilditch third.

John Paton was the initial heat two leader but a couple of laps in lost out to Chisholm who slowly extended his lead. Liam Boyle and Colin Ogilvie were involved in a race long dice which got a bit frantic at one time resulting in Boyle spinning. Chisholm went on to win by a clear margin from Boyle and Ford.

Ford led the cars away when final started and drove away from the field. There was a cracking dice behind, with Chisholm, Boyle and Hilditch squabbling over second. Boyle moved to the outside line and it was only on the last lap that he moved ahead.

Ford was first home but penalised two places for starting in the wrong place leaving Boyle the winner from Chisholm and Ford.

The youngsters, in their Micro F2s, were in good form and as a result there was a lot of close and exciting racing. Regan Richards was having another outing in the hire car.

Whilst Iona Sibbald led the cars away when heat one started, next time around Jaxson Watters was ahead. He led for a few laps but could do nothing to stop a speedy Corey Mathers, who went through to win. Oakley Grief was the runner up with John Forster in third.

Heat two was stopped after Sam Forster crashed into the wall, with Lewis McFarlane spinning to avoid contact. The race was suspended to help Sam out of his car. Harry Yule led the field away on the restart, but lost out to Mathers who went through to win. Yule held onto second with Forster third.

Emily Forster led the field away when the final started but lost out a couple of laps later, when Yule took over. Sam Forster and Mathers were dicing and making up ground and towards the close caught Yule. Mathers got the better run to go through to win, and pick up driver of the meeting, from S. Forster with Yule third The Saloons return next week along with the Prostock Basics. They are to be backed by the Hot Saloons, 2 litre and the Junior Bangers. The meeting starts at the earlier time of 5.30pm.