TO help during Covid-19, some free books.

With the demand for the four different books I recently published and my intention to keep the supply limited, these could be classed as expensive.

So I have decided to give six of them, or sets of them, to those who I feel deserve to get these free.

So if those wishing them would like to get them if they can write to me (only) stating their name, address, and reason why they feel they deserve books free, ie housebound, financial problems, being alone, no family etc, as well as which book (s) and reasons.

That is Black Knight (mining and the Black watch plus the life of my father); Chicago of Fife part one; Chicago of Fife part two (mix of history and many colour photos in each); and Moss Marion (covering old Gray Park, the Great North Road, the gas plants, and the enigma of Marion, connecting with Mossmorran and Cowdenbeath).

For the cost of a stamp its worth entering. I will myself judge which applicants are successful and six will receive books free. The deadline is October 25.

A great Christmas present for giving and all winners will get their books by the beginning of November.

Remember all the books will be very limited so little will be available in general. Write to the address blow or phone if you want more information.


Identicat Scotland,

14 Thistle Street,

Cowdenbeath KY4 8NF

01383 610800