I CANNOT thank Maureen Kennedy enough for her latest book 'Moss Marion'.

I know only a few were available but I have never enjoyed a book so much. I suspected a history of Mossmorran and Gray Park (the older) and the Great North Road.

But I got all that and more, a journey through history, but intrigue on the story of 'Marion' which covered from Lochgelly, Camila Loch, Auchtertool and of course the A 909, along with the Shell and Exxon plants.

But with all the extras it has been truly mind blowing, especially facts on Minister Sinister! This book kept me in its grip, I could not put it down.

Even having read the whole book you still go back to check and realise just how fulfilling 'Moss Marion' is.

It is not the sort of book you read and then shelve, it draws you back. It involves you, the reader. You become part of the story, the history of this whole area of Mossmorran you realise how big an area Maureen has covered, murder/suicide, crime scenes, yes historical ones. They opened my eyes.

Maureen do keep this kind of historical fact with pictures and all the mix of maps, you had it all in this book.

'Moss Marion' is the best book I have read and continue to re-read. I cannot praise it enough.


formerly of Old Gray park.