WHEN I was 10 years-old I saw a film in black and white starring Jerry Lewis called The Caliph of Baghdad.

It was very funny, Jerry Lewis being slightly de-ranged as are the paedophiles of Isil in Syria, who have declared a 'caliphate'. What's next, magic carpets or a Gnie or a Djinn?

I was brought up on Sinbad the Sailor, also Batman and Superman, all fantasy, but this lot, in their old bangers are riding around kidding themselves they are on magic carpets (magic mushrooms more like). They are called caliphs or sheiks.

My best friend growing up, Jan Mohammed, was a a muslim who serves his country. he will be burling in his grave!

They, Isil, are an abomination who need to be wiped from the face of the earth. When is Obama, Putin, Cameron etc, going to stop banging heads and put their heads together and root out this plague?

The word is these 'fighters' are shaving off their beards and dressing as women to escape the Russians, who do not take prisoners, as the Germans found in WW2.

They are cowards as evidenced in Paris. Anyone can shoot unarmed civilians. Paris is a city of romance, the French are known as lovers not fighters. They are too laid back.

Hitler and co just drove straight in with hardly a shot fired. They are a soft target, unlike here, where thanks to our security services, 7 attempts have been foiled in the past 6 months.

These vermin have burned alive a young pilot in a cage, stoned a young woman to death for adultery (but not her co-adulterer) and lately beheaded a 5 year-old girl who refused to convert to Islam.

The poor girl did not know what they were on about. If this is Islam then it sucks! But it is not. Now they are calling it 'Daesh', it is a death cult (as long as it is not their death) who terat women as sex slaves. Well Daesh, death to you too.

As for the so called 'Jihadi brides', I have another name for them, but this is a family newspaper.

They are taking children to Syria, knowing full well what will happen to the little girls at age 9. The boys will be handed a gun at some stage.

Maybe they think it is like the Wild West, where the women fall for the gunfighters, only in the Wild West tthe gunfighters did not want sex with children.

In the event that they, Isil 'men' get killed then as martyrs they get rivers of honey (yuk) and 72 virgins (why 72?).

Up to now the only ones with the desire to fight them are the Kurds, but I am sure the Russians will provide plenty of opportunity for martyrdom. Consider the scenario ( you will need a sense of humour, something the Times is not known for), a man and a woman m two suicide bombers are being instrructed by theior handler. To the man he sayd, 'just press this button and you get the honey and 72 virgins. 'What do I get says the woman? You get to find him 72 virgins. Good luck with that unless they are all 9 years-old'. The woman then says 'what if I press that button now?'

Joking aside it is time the civilised world joined together and make martyrs of them all!

We also need to root out their supporters in this country and deal with them and give them a one way ticket to Syria.

Yes they have supporters here, people who sympathise with them have no business here.

They say Jihadi John is dead, I will not believe it un til I s\ee the body. It is time they were all dead. As Vladimir Putin said 'Only God can judge you but it is my job to send you to God'.

What we must guard against is Islamaphobia, and not seek reprisals on ordinary muslims which is happening in other countries.

