WORK to preserve a lasting legacy of Fife’s coal mining heritage is underway.

Restoration of the Mary Pit winding wheel, in Lochore Meadows Country Park, is seen as a key project to preserve a "vital piece" of local heritage.

Fife Council issued an update which has seen a workshop and discussions with the Friends of Lochore Meadows lead to the formation of a sub-group dedicated to overseeing the project.

The sub-group, which met for the first time on September 11, includes members from the Benarty Heritage Group and Save the Cage group.

READ MORE: Wheels in motion to preserve historic Fife mining artefact

They are now actively seeking funding and planning the next steps.

A further meeting in October will invite surrounding communities to participate in the restoration efforts.

Councillor Alex Campbell, convener of the Cowdenbeath area committee, said: “The restoration of the Mary Pit winding wheel is a significant project for our community.

"We are committed to preserving this important part of our history and are excited to see the local heritage sub-group taking charge.

The Mary Pit head frame in Lochore Meadows Country Park. The Mary Pit head frame in Lochore Meadows Country Park. (Image: Tom Kinnaird)

"Their dedication and the involvement of the wider community will be key to securing the necessary funding and ensuring the successful conservation of this historic landmark.”

The Mary Pit head frame in the Meedies dates from 1920 but there have been concerns in recent years about its worsening state, with large chunks of concrete reportedly coming loose and falling from high up in the crossbeams.

A 'Save the Mary' petition, calling on the council to "urgently renovate and repair" the historic structure, was signed by more than 1,800 people.

A recent report to councillors said that, despite its age, the winding wheel is in good condition, particularly the wheel element itself.

The council said that it is not structurally dangerous.

However, as a scheduled monument, any investigative or restoration work requires ongoing involvement and permissions from Historic Environment Scotland (HES).

Efforts will focus on retaining the historical appearance and developing interpretation boards to highlight its significance.

Cllr Campbell said: "The next steps include a meeting in October where the sub-group will meet with HES to start funding applications.

"Further investigative work will determine the exact conservation needs and associated costs, and all efforts will be in line with scheduled monument consent requirements.

"We remain dedicated to preserving the Mary Pit winding wheel and will continue to engage with the community as the project progresses.

"We encourage local heritage or history groups interested in joining the sub-group to contact the Friends of Lochore Meadows at"