AFTER one of the best community days in Lochgelly’s history, the Gala Committee who organised the event this week announced the names of the various prize winners.

As well as stressing that there are things which can be done better, they are also urging people to come forward with their observations on where improvements can be made.

The annual Lochgelly Gala, a highlight of the local community's calendar, once again brought smiles, cheers, and a spirit of togetherness to the town. The event, filled with vibrant floats, creative costumes, and lively performances, culminated in the announcement of the much-anticipated competition winners.

The Best Decorated Premises award went to the Hyperclub, on Main Street, which dazzled the judges with its handmade decorations and creative theme ‘that captured the essence of the Gala spirit’.

(Image: David Wardle)

The team at Hyperclub put in a tremendous effort, and their hard work paid off as they were recognised for their contribution to the festivities.

Lochgelly West Primary School stole the show with their impressive miners float, earning them the title of Best Float. The school's float, designed by students, staff, and parents, was a true community effort. The colourful and imaginative display wowed spectators and judges alike, making it a standout in this year’s parade.

In addition to the competitions, the Gala also featured a raffle, with fantastic prizes up for grabs. The lucky winners of this year's raffles were: £300 car voucher - S Cusick; Meta quest VR headset - Jane Jarrett; £150 Auto centre - 2 Geatons Road; Swingset - Moira Stanley - later donated very kindly to the Sunflower Nursery; £100 - A Baxter; £50 - James Duff; Litre of Vodka - D Bailly; Litre of Bacardi - Rab Russell; and Box of vegetables - Rose McMahon.

The Lochgelly Gala continues to be a cherished tradition, bringing the community together in celebration and fun, and the committee’s congratulations went to all the winners and participants who made this year's event a memorable success!

But the committee members are anxious to address the concerns raised about the day and secretary Kelly Mackay said: “The Lochgelly Gala is a cherished tradition, and as the organising committee, we are committed to ensuring it remains a memorable event for all who attend so we would like to address some of the concerns raised by members of the community following this year’s event.

(Image: David Wardle)

“On gala bags, their value for money and sugar content, this year, the cost of the gala bags was a point of discussion. We recognise that the bags were different compared to previous years. However, we believe they offered good value for money.

“We always aim to keep costs down and even offered primary school and nursery kids a free gala bag ticket. This was done at the cost of the gala funding, and after all the tickets that were handed out, we received less than half of those back. This will have to be reviewed for the coming galas.

“Another concern raised was about the sugar content in the bags. While there were sweets included, it’s important to note that the drink provided was sugar-free, and the cakes or biscuits, while containing sugar, are similar to what you’d find in many snack options available at such events. We aim to strike a balance between offering treats that children enjoy and being mindful of health considerations.”

On managing queues, Kelly said: “We also received feedback about the queues at the event.

“We understand that waiting in line can be frustrating, especially with large crowds. To manage this, we sell a limited number of wristbands to help control the flow and reduce waiting times.

“However, it’s important to acknowledge that queues are inevitable when a large number of people gather in one place. We appreciate the public’s patience and understanding in this matter”.

On feedback and volunteer support, Kelly said that the committee was always keen to hear what people think: “As a committee, we always take feedback seriously—whether it’s positive or negative.

“We strive to improve the gala each year, and your input plays a crucial role in that process.

“However, we would like to remind everyone that the gala is organised by a small group of dedicated volunteers. The work we do is driven by a passion for our community, and negative comments, especially on social media, can be disheartening.

“We are always open to a more hands-on deck. If you have suggestions or simply want to help out, we warmly welcome you to join us. Organising an event like the Lochgelly Gala requires a lot of effort, and the more support we have, the better the experience we can provide for everyone.

“We would like to extend our thanks to those on social media, and in person, sharing their support and thanks with the committee. Thank you for your continued support and understanding. Let’s work together to make future galas even better.”