WORK to erect a barrier and fencing to halt travellers from setting up camp on a Cowdenbeath football field has now been completed.

In recent months, Crossgates Primrose have twice been forced to find different places to play their games after travellers set up camp on their council-leased Perth Road facility.

Providing an update on Facebook, local councillor Darren Watt confirmed the barriers are now in place.

"This will be very welcome news for neighbouring residents, and Crossgates Primrose 2012 who have recently taken up a lease for the pitch," he said.

READ MORE: Crossgates side kicked off pitch as travellers set up camp

"Sincere thanks is extended to Fife Council's local community team and ground maintenance team for their support.

The barriers at the park on Perth Road in Cowdenbeath.The barriers at the park on Perth Road in Cowdenbeath. (Image: Cllr Darren Watt Facebook)

"I have been pursuing similar measures at the open space on Leuchatsbeath Drive and can confirm this is being investigated by senior council officers, however, because of the size of the area and the fact it is Fife Council housing land presents several challenges.

"I will continue to press for action. Doing nothing and allowing the same problems to reoccur is not an option."