A Fife MSP has called for a review of bus infrastructure to support bus users after Fife Council confirmed that the authority has no budget for the erection of new bus shelters in Fife.

Alex Rowley had asked Fife Council to confirm how much money was available for new bus shelters in Fife.

In response, he was informed that there wasn't a set budget for new infrastructure or any other bus projects.

“At a time when public authorities and the government state their priority is to get more people onto public transport it is incredible that there is no bus infrastructure budgets," said Mr Rowley.

"As a bus user I have observed people standing at bus stops in the pouring rain on cold winter mornings and thought how on earth will we encourage people out of their cars and onto the buses when we can’t even put up shelters to protect them from the worst elements of the weather.”

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To highlight the point the Labour MSP met up with two campaigners who have been trying for over a year to get a bus shelter erected on the Great North Road at Kelty.

Wendi Wilson said she had hoped a bus shelter would be made available for this winter.

“We have been trying to get a bus shelter for over a year," she said. "I have had days where I was soaked with the rain blowing over like a sheet of water and have had to go back home and change and been late for work as a result. It is just not good enough.”

Jimmy Nun added: "In this day and age where governments are trying to get more people to use public transport it is incredible that bus users are expected to stand out in all weathers because there is no budget for shelters.

"I wonder if those in charge ever use buses because if they did, they would know how uncomfortable it is to stand and get soaked and then go on with your journey.”

The pair are being supported by their local councillor, Alex Campbell. He said: “Councils are being starved of cash to run services and things are being cut to the bone but that said, people should not have to stand out in all weathers open to the elements to wait on a bus. I am pushing for a change in policy in this matter.”

Mr Rowley has now written to both Fife Council and the Transport Secretary highlighting this issue and calling for a review of how we deliver bus services across Fife.

Fife Council Service Manager Sara Wilson said over £130,000 is spent each year repairing, replacing and cleaning Fife's existing bus shelter infrastructure.

"To ensure we have sufficient maintenance funds, we can't currently add to our inventory," she said. 

" We do review requirements on an ongoing basis though and if a shelter isn't used it may be moved to a more suitable location. Any requests for new shelters and their locations are considered on an individual basis based on shelter availability."