A Kelty man has appeared back in court for domestic offending committed almost four years ago.

Thomas McKay caused a disturbance at the home of his former partner, making threats through the letter-box.

McKay, 49, of Centre Street, appeared back at Dunfermline Sheriff Court as he had not completed his unpaid work.

He previously admitted that on 15th October 2020 at Keltyhill Crescent, Kelty, he acted aggressively, shouted, swore, repeatedly made threatening remarks towards his partner and repeatedly struck a door.

He also breached a court order banning him from that street.

McKay had sent messages saying she had better let him in or he would damage the property.

He then turned up at the house, shouting through the letter-box and telling her to open the front door or he would smash all the windows.

In 2021, McKay had been put on a community payback order with 130 hours of unpaid work and a one-year non-harassment order.

He has since done only 96 hours of the unpaid work and was suffering from “health problems” said defence solicitor Elaine Buist.

Sheriff Elizabeth McFarlane revoked the original order and in its place imposed a six-week restriction of liberty order.