Lochgelly High School Pipe band leaders have put their name to a joint letter calling for change at the World Pipe Band Championships.

The move follows a fiasco last month which saw the Fife band stripped of first place last month.

The school's ensemble was named Novice Juvenile Band World Champions at the event in Glasgow.

However, days later, they were dropped to 10th place after an "administrative and inputting error" meant the initial results were incorrect.

A joint letter from band leaders across the country to the event's organisers, the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association (RSPBA), said a "critical mistake" occurred during the Novice Juvenile B Final.

It said the issue was caused by human error and a failure to comply with procedures in the verification of sensitive results-based data and the rules of the competition.

"These errors have had a profound impact on young competitors globally, leading to emotional trauma, a loss of confidence, and a loss of trust between the piping community and the RSPBA," it stated.

READ MORE: Lochgelly High School Pipe Band stripped of world title and dropped to 10th

"The reputational damage to the RSPBA has played out globally on social and national media in the subsequent days."

Following a meeting with band representatives and the RSPBA, an independent working group on Youth Piping and Drumming was set up.

The letter continued: "It is the conclusion of this Working Group that clear systematic institutional change is necessary to improve the competitive environment for youth piping and drumming and to rebuild trust between youth-focussed organisations and the RSPBA.

"The Working Group concludes that the actions proposed by the RSPBA in their email of August 22, 2024 are insufficient. We recognise and welcome that steps are being taken to improve operational capacity and competency in compiling volunteers.

"We highly value the dedication of the volunteer officers and judging communities who work tirelessly in support of our young pipers and drummers and their tutors.

"However, it is noted that a significant concern was raised during the meeting 22nd August 2024 by a senior teaching professional on the competency of the RSPBA to oversee the welfare of young people in its organisation."

READ MORE: Lochgelly High may be stripped of pipe band world title

The working group has called for an urgent, independent review of the RSPBA's current position and policies.

It has also asked that the RSPBA considers an alternative formatting of the World Pipe Band Championships to enhance the experience of youth pipers and drummers and to avoid the likelihood of a repeat of the 2024 World's issues.

The letter added: "We, the Working Group, stand ready to help the RSPBA provide leadership towards the improvement of the competitive environment for youth piping and drumming across the world."

Providing an update to parents, Lochgelly High headteacher Ross Stewart paid tribute to the youngsters involved.

"In spite of their circumstances, our young people wished to go on record in congratulating the new World Champions, who will be announced in due course by the RSPBA, and would not wish for recent events to take away from such a commendable achievement.

"The mature response and graciousness of our affected young people, particularly during such an uncertain and emotionally challenging time, has been truly inspiring and - along with our entire pupil and staff body - we remain incredibly proud of them and all they have achieved.

"Both the Junior and Senior Bands have represented Lochgelly High School impeccably all season, and we look forward to sharing in their future successes."