A Ballingry man shouted that he was going to get a knife when police officers turned up at his door.

James Irvine, 48, of Kildownie Crescent, appeared at Dunfermline Sheriff Court for sentencing.

He previously admitted committing the offence on 25th January at Fairnsdale Terrace, Ballingry and at his home.

He shouted, swore, challenged others to fight, said he had armed himself with a knife, made abusive comments and placed two police officers in fear and alarm.

The court heard there had been an incident which resulted in a neighbour calling the police.

When an officer knocked on Irvine’s door he said: “Wait a minute, I’m getting my knife”.

After being arrested, he said: “I don’t answer your questions you black b******.”

Defence solicitor Stephen Morrison said: “In sobriety, he’s not proud of himself and regrets his behaviour.

“Drink had been taken and there had been a row between him and his sometime partner. He didn’t know it was the police at his door, he thought it was others.”

Sheriff Elizabeth McFarlane imposed a community payback order with a year’s supervision.