A 38-year-old man exposed himself to a woman in a Cardenden bar and then returned to the scene months later to offend again.

The culprit was Danny Moffat who has avoided a jail sentence.

In the dock at Dunfermline Sheriff Court for a string of offences was Moffat, of Lawrence Park, Kinglassie.

Sheriff Krista Johnston told him: “You may well hang your head. This was disgraceful conduct towards a person at her work.”

He previously admitted that on 14th May last year at the Queens Hotel, Cardenden, he intentionally exposed his genitals in a sexual manner to a woman by pulling down his trousers and underwear.

He also shouted, swore, attempted to seize the woman by the arm and pulled her towards him.

Then on 7th October at the same place he assaulted a woman by throwing a drink over her.

He also caused damage to the premises by pulling a CCTV camera from the wall and smashing a window.

On the same day, at Orebank Road, Cardenden, he damaged property by striking a window with a stone.

He also struck the wing mirror of a car, damaging it.

Defence solicitor David McLaughlin said: “This was a piece of reprehensible conduct to put it mildly."

The court was told Moffat is already on a restriction of liberty order.

Sheriff Johnston imposed another ‘tag’, this time for nine months, a fine of £580 and a community payback order with a year’s supervision.