COWDENBEATH Rotary Club are planning to engage in a series of fundraising plans to boost their resources to meet requests for backing from the locality and international demands.

Thursday’s meeting heard from treasurer, Dennis Brooks, that the centenary year celebrations, completed in June, had inevitably put pressure on their funds.

Although careful management of outgoings had been engaged in, and fundraising taken place, they still had to find the money to pay for a major part of the celebrations, the creation of the mining memorial at Brunton Square.

Dennis told the meeting: “A great deal of work has gone into making this memorial project happen, to mark the role mining played in the history of Cowdenbeath, and within the next few weeks it will be created on Brunton Square.

“But it has to be paid for and it is a large sum for the club to find, but work has gone in to making that possible.

“However, it is going to leave the coffers much emptier than they have been in many years and we have to look to raise funds in the coming months to meet the normal requests that we receive from the community on an annual basis.”

Club president Hank John agreed and added: “The centenary year events were fitting for a very historical situation and the memorial is a significant part of it, but we now have to look ahead.

“We have to be ready to meet the various requests from the community for help that we receive as the year progresses, and already a few ideas have been put forward by members which can help boost the coffers.”

The club will hold a fundraising brainstorming meeting, at the beginning of September, to set up a programme of events.