A NUMBER of central Fife roads have been highlighted due to concerns over speeding and reckless driving. 

Councillor for the Cowdenbeath ward, Darren Watt, said that Station Road in Kelty, Mossgreen in Crossgates and Broad Street in Cowdenbeath are the roads he receives the most complaints about. 

And while he feels that these are the roads that cause the most concern, he also feels that they are roads that will greatly benefit from added traffic calming measures. 

He told the Times: "These are the roads I often receive the most complaints about and sadly it’s a multi-agency and authority approach.

"You have to work alongside Police Scotland as well as different departments at Fife Council, including education and transportation, as well as working alongside residents and community councils as well.

"These three areas are the ones that are particularly a concern and ones that would greatly benefit from traffic calming measures whether that be speed cushions, islands or narrowing of the roads."

However, a lack of funding and resources means that addressing these concerns isn't as easy as pointing out solutions. 

He continued: "There are various options and these three are the ones that definitely need something sooner rather than later, but ultimately what it comes down to is the lack of available funding and the overall lack of resources for the police to regularly maintain a speed watch campaign.

"Residents consistently complain about the speed of the traffic, and of course, we encourage them to report any concerns to the police directly, but the police have to have a more proactive approach and unfortunately, just with their current situation and limited resources, they can't always be there on-site to encourage drivers to drive more responsibly and safely, especially travelling main routes through towns and villages.

"The reality is that a lot of the time, when there is a lack of funding, there has to be a priority and when I have about 30 different streets and roads throughout the whole of the Cowdenbeath ward that residents and community councils are seeking traffic calming measures for, we can only implement about four or five at any one time.  

"It’s a real difficulty and we can only encourage people to be better and more responsible drivers, especially as they’re travelling through towns and villages and areas of high pedestrian footfall."

Cllr Watt went on to recognise that this could lead to residents becoming "frustrated, angry and often despondent" but he encouraged them to continue to report issues of speeding and reckless driving as it is "paramount" to helping the police understand what areas to prioritise.

Lesley Craig, the lead consultant for traffic management at Fife Council added: "A puffin crossing with raised table has been installed at Mossgreen, a new crossing has also been installed outside the primary school in Broad Street and plans are in place for speed cushions in Station Road, Kelty."

A Police Scotland spokesperson added: “Road safety is a priority for Police Scotland and both local officers along with specialist colleagues in Roads Policing routinely carry out patrols to enforce speed limits and act as a deterrent.

“We have been made aware of some recent concerns regarding speeding and anti-social driving behaviour concerns in the Kelty, Crossgates and Cowdenbeath areas.  We have been and will continue to patrol these roads and carry out speed enforcement where appropriate.

“We cannot stress the importance of our message to all drivers that they must take responsibility for their own actions behind the wheel, observe the speed limits and be considerate to others.

“Anyone with concerns about speeding or driving concerns can call Police Scotland on 101 or speak to any police officer.”