LOCALS will be able to have their say on plans to build 190 new homes in Lochgelly.

Two public consultation events will be held about development proposals on the outskirts of the town.

There's already planning permission in principle to build 145 homes to the south of The Avenue - approved last month - and now Omnivale Ltd are seeking consent from Fife Council for phase two and another 190 units on an adjacent plot.

A proposal of application notice, which gives them a 12 weeks consultation period, has already been approved.

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This will see two events held in the Lochgelly Centre, on Wednesday August 14 and Wednesday September 11, with representatives on hand to explain what they want to do.

As well as new homes, the plans will include access roads, open space, landscaping and drainage.

The site is owned by Omnivale and Strawson Holdings Ltd, who share an address in Nottinghamshire, and is 6.59 hectares of former agricultural land in the Lochgelly Strategic Development Area.

A screening opinion has now been submitted to the council to ascertain if an environmental impact assessment will be required.