A VIOLENT rapist who targeted women for sexual and physical abuse for more than a decade was jailed today (Monday).

John McNab, 54, raped two women at addresses in Fife and ripped hair from the head of a 74-year-old victim in a further physical attack.

McNab had denied a series of charges during a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh but was found guilty of 10 offences by unanimous verdicts of the jury.

He first struck on December 15 in 2006 when he assaulted and raped a woman at a house in Cowdenbeath.

During the attack McNab pushed her against a door and pulled down her lower clothing before pushing her against a wall and raping her.

By February 2006 he was perpetrating crimes against a second woman who was subjected to threats, intimidation, violence and repeated rapes at properties in Rosyth and Aberdour.

McNab shouted and swore at the victim and threatened to kill her and to inflict violence on members of her family.

The victim was punched on the head and struck by a vase hurled at her.

He subjected the woman to rape when she was asleep and incapable of consenting and also indecently assaulted and raped her on further occasions.

McNab also assaulted a girl who was aged 13 when he shouted and swore at her, threatened her with violence and threw cushions at an address in Aberdour in 2011.

On May 29 in 2019 he carried out a final attack on a 74-year-old woman at a house in Cowdenbeath. He repeatedly threatened her with violence, threatened to kill her and disconnected a phone to stop her calling for help.

McNab repeatedly punched her on the head and body and grabbed and pulled her by the hair, ripping some of it from her head.

The jury heard after verdicts were returned that McNab has 13 previous convictions, including for crimes of violence.

The trial judge deferred sentence on him for the preparation of a background report and risk assessment.

Judge Fiona Tait placed McNab on the sex offenders' register and remanded him in custody ahead of sentencing next month.