AS the group's 100-year anniversary approaches scouts in Cardenden are pleased to announce that they have successfully fundraised for a new hall.

After the existing hall burned down around five years ago, the group has had to make do without a dedicated space, but now, after raising £300,000, they have achieved their goal of creating a new community space.

Graham Gilbert, trustee of the 4th Fife Scout Board, told the Times: "We’ve kept it going but without our own scout hall - it wasn’t just who used the scout hall, there was quite a lot of folk who used it and it was really a community asset.

"We canvased various different organisations to ask, if we had a new hall, would you use it and that’s how this whole thing got started."

Money was raised through fundraising, with the kids themselves raising an incredible £25,000 while the Fife Environmental Trust gifted them £36,000 towards the hall.

While the building will be a dedicated Scout Hall, they also want as much of the community to make use of it as possible. 

He continued: "What we want is as many people to use it as much as they can, not that we would make any money out of it but as long as we’ve got enough to keep it going, that’s all we’re interested in.

"If we can keep it going on that basis, it means that people like the taekwondo clubs, the dancing clubs and all of that, can all have a decent place for them to use.  

"We’ve tried to build a building that is environmentally friendly so we’re installing [solar panels] on the roof and we’re using a heat pump as well as low-cost lighting and we’re also making sure that there is disabled access."

READ MORE: Cardenden Scouts all fired up to move into new £250,000 home

The new facility will be based behind St Ninians Primary School, which will be able to use the building for meetings and keep-fit activities. 

The hall will also be available to rent out for parties and events.

Ground will be broken on the site on Thursday (July 25) with hopes that the work will be completed by September. 

He added: "We want the hall to be used by community groups, after all it is a good resource."

For anyone interested in renting out the hall on completion, the minibus, or anyone who would like to volunteer as an adult leader, contact Graham on 01383 306647.