IT was the end of an era at a Cowdenbeath travel agents as its owner checked in to her retirement.

After 50 years working in the industry, Marie Shevas, who has been at the helm of Moorelands Travel since 2002, passed on the baton to new owner Scott Paterson.

Having helped countless locals with their holiday requirements over the years, Marie said she has "mixed emotions" after working her last shift.

"It is time," she said.

"It has been 50 years so I am going to miss it.

"Your clients become your friends. I always strike up a close bond with them but at least now I am going to have more time for the social side of them!"

After starting working for Nairn Travel five decades ago, Marie then went onto work for a new firm, Travel Systems in Cowdenbeath, which had opened to support the new Mossmorran facility which was then under construction.

READ MORE: Marie Shevas receives MBE from Princess Anne at Windsor Castle

In 2000, she worked for a travel business at the dockyard before setting up Moorelands Travel in 2002 after securing a franchise with the Global Travel Group.

Five years later, she became Barrhead Travel's first franchisee and opened Moorelands' flagship shop on Cowdenbeath High Street in 2018 where it has been ever since.

Marie Shevas who has retired after working 50 years in the travel industry.Marie Shevas who has retired after working 50 years in the travel industry. (Image: Moorelands Travel)

"We are very fortunate that most of our staff have got 20 to 25 years experience and it is your team that makes the business," said Marie.

"Scott Paterson was a director and he has now taken ownership. He came as a manager then we made him a director and he is now the owner.

"We class ourselves as a team. We all work together and it has been successful. We have won a number of awards as well over the last few years so it has been lovely to get quite a few accolades."

Having got through the tough times of Covid, Marie has been happy to see the business bounce back.

"I don't think anyone expected covid to have such an impact and have obviously it impacted hugely on the travel industry.

"Myself and Scott worked 24/7 and I think the fact that we were there answering calls and doing emails, making changes, clients appreciated that and when things started to open up, they came back.

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"It is great when people come back from holidays and message you and call in and they have had a fabulous time.

"People work hard all year and sometimes they only have one holiday so you want to make sure when they go away, they have a got peace of mind and they enjoy their holiday."

One of the major highlights for Marie in recent years was being honoured with an MBE in 2021 for her charity work which has seen her raise over £800,000 for good causes.

She explained: "It was such a surprise. I was lucky enough to go down to Windsor and it was Princess Anne who presented it. She was lovely, so engaging. That must be one of my highlights over the last 50 years.

"We put on a lady's day in May and raised £38,500. I am fortunate because we have a committee who support the charity and it is a team effort. One person cannot do everything. I have always tried to give back to the community."

Looking ahead to her retirement, Marie is looking forward to some well-deserved family time.

"I have just become a grandmother again," she said.

"Out of 50 years, I have only ever had 10 months off work. When I had my daughter, I was fortunate my mum was able to look after Lauren so I have worked for 50 years.

"It is now payback time for babysitting but I love that.

"My husband retired nine years ago as well so it will be nice just having time for us too."