PLANS to redevelop Cowdenbeath Town House into a "people's centre" are to go under the spotlight next month.

A consultation event is being put on to look at the long term sustainability and the redevelopment of the High Street building.

Taking place at the Maxwell Centre at 6pm on August 7, the session will look at the proposal to convert the town hall into a viable business and community space project called the Cowdenbeath Peoples Centre.

A statement from Brag Enterprises, the charity which has putting on the event, said the building has been a landmark in Cowdenbeath for many years and forms a critical part of the High Street streetscape.

READ MORE: Town House project in line for share of £1.9m funding

"With the removal of its usage by Fife Council, it had been deemed redundant," it added. "However, as a listed building with huge historical significance to the town, a new use that is viable and sustainable must now be found.

A consultation on plans for Cowdenbeath Town Hall will take place on August 6.A consultation on plans for Cowdenbeath Town Hall will take place on August 6. (Image: Brag Enterprises)

"BRAG as a local charity have put forward proposals to re-purpose the building and we would like to share an outline of these plans with you all.

"We will be joined by our architectural partners INCH Architecture and we are excited to share our plans with you all."

As reported earlier this year, the town hall is in line to receive a portion of Scottish Government funding as part of its Place Based Investment Programme.

With Fife likely to receive £1.9 million, the building's regeneration plans is set to be allocated £400,000 from this.

BRAG Enterprises has developed a five-year business plan for the project – which is estimated to cost around £1.2m – and is currently working on detailed designs.