A FIFE MSP has been recognised for her services to the Polish community in Scotland. 

Claire Baker received the Medal of the Senate of the Republic of Poland during the meeting of the Cross-Party Group on Poland in the Scottish Parliament last week.

Senator Grzegorz Schetyna, the chairman of the senate’s Foreign Affairs Committee, presented her with the award for her services to the Polish community in Scotland and her contribution to strengthening the Polish-Scottish relationship. 

At the meeting, he said: "We are delighted to be here and attend the meeting of the Cross-Party Group on Poland in the Scottish Parliament. It is a privilege to be presenting Claire Baker MSP with this award from the speaker of the Polish Senate.

"The work of this group and the involvement of the Polish diaspora in Scotland are very important to us, as traditionally it is one of the remits of the Polish Senate to nurture, support and maintain links with the Polish diaspora around the world.”

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The award was established to honour individuals or organisations for their contribution to social, cultural, scientific or economic development.

Other recent recipients of the prestigious Medal of the Polish Senate include the Solidarity legend, the former President of Poland Lech Walesa and the Noble Prize for Literature-winning author Olga Tokarczuk.

Ms Baker's work establishing the Cross-Party Group on Poland (CPG) in the Scottish Parliament in June 2009 and conveying the CPG over the last 15 years allowed her to join these esteemed ranks. 

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She said: “I was delighted and honoured to be presented with the commemorative Polish Senate medal, for supporting the work of the Cross-Party Group on Poland over the years.

"The CPG’s work has been incredibly important in preserving and forging strong political, cultural and economic links between MSPs and the Polish community in Scotland and recognising the importance of Polish heritage in our communities.

"I am pleased to work with a number of Polish organisations from all across Scotland in this aim and I’ll continue to highlight their concerns and achievements through my work in parliament.”

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The CPG on Poland aims to facilitate political, cultural and economic links between Scotland and Poland including building links with regional assemblies; recognise the positive contribution of Poles who choose to live, work and study in Scotland; promote shared Scottish-Polish heritage in the interests of fostering positive relationships; and discuss all aspects of modern society in Scotland and Poland.

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Maciej Dokurno, chair of Polski Most (a Polish Association in Scotland), and member of the CPG since its establishment in 2009, added: “This is a well-deserved recognition for Claire’s hard work for the Polish community in Scotland.

"The CPG she initiated and conveyed over the last 15 years has not only been the forum for MSPs to discuss the political, cultural and economic links between Scotland and Poland but has also become the main platform for Polish community groups and organisations to come together and exchange opinions and share best practice.

"It has brought the Scottish Parliament and local MSPs closer to those who came here from Poland and made Scotland their home.”