A Ballingry woman brandished a large kitchen knife and threatened to stab her ex-partner if he did not leave her home.

However, Kelly Boyle’s efforts to get rid of the unwanted visitor ended with her being arrested.

Boyle, 38, of Martin Crescent, appeared from custody at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.

She admitted that on 16th June at her home, she shouted, swore, brandished a knife and made threats to her former partner.

Depute fiscal Lauren Pennycook said at 1.15pm Boyle’s ex-partner had turned up at her house and she had began shouting and swearing at him.

She then went into the kitchen and returned holding a large knife which she brandished at him.

Boyle had phoned the police to say that her former partner would not leave her house.

When officers turned up, they saw Boyle holding the knife with a six-inch blade.

She said: “Get him out or I’m going to f****** stab him.”

This resulted in her being arrested and taken to Dunfermline police station.

Defence solicitor Alan Davie said it had been “an on-off relationship, more off than on”.

He went on: “He came to her home and was argumentative. She wanted him to leave and he refused to do so.

"She doesn’t want to continue with the relationship.”

Sheriff Garry Sutherland deferred sentencing for good behaviour until 18th September.