COWDENBEATH Rotary Club’s Mining Memorial fund is reaching a key stage.

The project, to mark the key role that the coal industry played in the history of the town, is part of the club’s centenary celebrations.

It has seen them target £11,000 to fund the creation and erection of the memorial plaque at Brunton Square, on High Street.

The fundraising scheme has received support from various sources and also individual members of the public.

And at their last meeting they received a valuable contribution from Cowdenbeath man, John Gardiner.

John, who originates from Lumphinnnans, told the Rotarians: “My family was deeply involved in coal mining with various members employed in local pits.

“When I heard the move to create a monument to the role mining played in Cowdenbeath’s history, I felt it was something I wanted to support.”

Club president, John Gilfillan, thanked John and said: “This is a very valuable contribution and we are continuing to narrow the gap so we can get the project underway as soon as possible.”