THE Scottish Government's Minister for Employment and Investment, Tom Arthur MSP, will be in Benarty for a march to mark the 40th anniversary of the Miners' Strike.

The event will see strike veterans, family members and supporters lead a parade from Ballingry to a rally in Lochore Meadows Country Park, bringing back memories of an event which took place four decades ago.

Cowdenbeath MSP Annabelle Ewing welcomed the news that the Scottish Government will be represented on the day.

“I have taken the opportunity on several occasions to express to ministers my hope that the Scottish Government will be officially represented at the commemorative march to be held in Ballingry on Saturday, June 15 to mark the 40th anniversary of the Miners’ Strike," she said.

READ MORE: Former miners to march through Benarty to mark 40th anniversary of strike

“I know that ministerial diaries are complex beasts so I am delighted to have been told in the chamber by the Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, External Affairs & Culture, that the Minister for Employment & Investment, Tom Arthur MSP, will be in attendance.

A march to mark the 40th anniversary of the National Miners' Strikes will be held at the weekend.A march to mark the 40th anniversary of the National Miners' Strikes will be held at the weekend. (Image: Contributed)

“That has been followed up by direct contact from Mr Arthur and, in his letter, he states that, whilst acknowledging that commemorative events and activities are best taken forward at a local level by mining communities, the Scottish Government has been in contact with partners such as the National Mining Museum and the National Union of Mineworkers to identify opportunities, in this anniversary year, to raise awareness of the Miners’ Strike pardon which the Scottish Parliament unanimously endorsed in 2022.

“I am delighted, therefore, that the Ballingry event has been selected to be a part of that. I look forward to welcoming Tom to my constituency and marching with him in recognition of - and solidarity with - the experiences of the individuals and communities so affected by the industrial carnage caused by the Tories to areas like this in the eighties.”

READ MORE: Annabelle Ewing invites Culture Minister to miners' march

The event has been organised by former miner Andrew 'Watty' Watson, from Ballingry, who was one of the youngest people in Scotland to be arrested and then sacked during the action.

After being detained for an apparent breach of the peace, he was told to plead guilty and was shocked to then be fired by the coal board, one of 206 miners to lose their jobs during the strike in Scotland.

He later was offered his job back and went onto work until 2002 when he was made redundant following severe flooding at Longannet, which saw the mine close and what little was left of the industry effectively grind to a halt.

Now a train driver, Watty organised the march to remember the "courageous struggle" and to celebrate the mining community across Scotland.