WORK is now complete on a "long awaited" road safety measure to slow down traffic in Crossgates. 

The raised puffin crossing has been installed on the B925 at Mossgreen, adjacent to Droverhall Avenue. 

Local councillor, Darren Watt, who suggested that the crossing be raised, is "absolutely delighted" that the new traffic calming measure is in place. 

Sharing the news with his constituents on Facebook, he wrote: "Residents have consistently raised concerns with the volume and speed of traffic in this area, so the implementation of this dual-purpose crossing will now allow pedestrians to cross safely as well as encourage road users to drive accordingly given the surroundings and at the appropriate speed.

READ MORE: Raised puffin crossing for B925 at Mossgreen

"This project is another great example of collective responsibility and simply wouldn't have been possible without the perseverance and support of local residents, Crossgates and Mossgreen Community Council, Fife Council transportation officers and fellow councillors."

Central Fife Times: Cllr Darren Watt at the new pedestrian crossing in Crossgates.Cllr Darren Watt at the new pedestrian crossing in Crossgates. (Image: Cllr Darren Watt)

In order to install the puffin crossing, the workers had to deal with high-voltage cables underneath the road surface. 

Back in November councillors were concerned the job wouldn't go ahead, due to the complexities of the project, but although the council admitted they'd have to be "very careful", Scottish Power had helped by mapping out the location of the cables to make sure everyone was aware of exactly where they were. 

But while this crossing is a welcome measure, Cllr Watt is continuing to push for more to be done to deter motorists from driving at unsafe speeds on the road.

READ MORE: Crossgates is 'more like crossroads' as villagers raise traffic fears

He continued: "I am not naïve enough to even suggest this will fully address the long-standing concerns of irresponsible speeding and reckless driving by some drivers passing through Mossgreen, however, I am continuing to press for speed cushions to be implemented along this stretch as soon as possible.

"Unfortunately, this is not a unique issue and with competing projects and limited budgets, it is unlikely this will happen this financial year unless alternative funding is sourced."