FIFE councillors have united to support a motion recognising the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Representatives from all parties agreed to back the UN Security Council resolution to demand a ceasefire.

Moving the motion at last week's council meeting, Cllr Mary Bain-Lockhart said: "It is not pro or anti Israeli or pro or anti Palestinian.

"This is not about statehood or statelessness, it’s not about occupation or territorial claims or counterclaims. It’s not about terrorism or oppression or bombs and rockets or stones and tunnels.

“It’s a motion about that most terrifying and barbaric humanitarian crisis – famine.” 

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The motion from councillors Bain-Lockhart and Conservative leader Kathleen Leslie stated that there is an “impending malnutrition and famine” in Gaza. 

Citing the World Health Organisation director, it explained that “over a million people are expected to face catastrophic hunger unless significantly more food is allowed to enter Gaza".

Working across party lines, councillors united to “note” the humanitarian crisis and will write to the Foreign Secretary, the Prime Minister and COSLA president expressing Fife Council’s support for an “immediate sustainable bilateral ceasefire”.

The letter will also express the council’s concern about reports of impending malnutrition and famine in Gaza and call on the UK Government to “add its weight to growing international calls that the unhindered provision of sufficient humanitarian aid to prevent famine and disease must be expedited".

In lieu of a debate, each of the council’s four political parties was given an opportunity to speak in favour of the motion on Thursday. 

“Why do we speak on matters that don’t directly affect us as a council?” Cllr Leslie asked. “It’s a question I’ve asked previously. However, I’m reminded that we have a voice, and while we can’t change the world, we can make ourselves heard.” 

SNP councillor John Beare added: “We cannot sit quietly as aid for Gaza is withheld, when we know food, water, and medical aid is available but denied access, and while children are starved to death or denied medical treatment.

“While I don’t expect those who wield power in Tel Aviv to be waiting on a decision from this chamber, I do expect that the Westminster Government will use all the diplomatic means it has to ensure all necessary humanitarian aid is given unhindered access to Gaza."