COWDENBEATH MSP Annabelle Ewing visited a local organisation with a 'social conscience' last week. 

The SNP politician stopped by Re-employ, a social enterprise and supported business based at the Crosshill Business Centre.

The company seeks to ‘Re-employ’ people with disabilities and disadvantages, providing them with skills to help them in the workplace, and creating branded designs using embroidery and laser techniques.

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She said: “I do enjoy visiting Re-employ, they are a business with a social conscience at the very heart of what they do."

While there she met with Grant Hannah, a work aide at the company, Irene Donaldson, the founder of Re-employ, Councillor  Linda Erskine, Fife Council’s spokesperson for communities and leisure, and Jan Orzeg-Wydra.

She continued: “It was very interesting to hear from Jan about his path into work with Re-employ. 

"He had applied for 100 jobs and only had two interviews before applying to Re-employ.  Most employers hadn’t even bothered to reply.

“But the inimitable Irene from Re-employ saw Jan’s potential and, by sourcing customised computer and support equipment through an access to work grant, was able to offer Jan a job.

“It just shows that a little bit of support can make a world of difference in helping someone become a valued employee and important member of the team.

“I completely applaud the work that Re-employ are doing and the approach to employment that they take. 

“I would encourage anyone looking for branded items for their business, club or personal use to check out Re-employ. 

"Not only will you get a great job done at reasonable rates, you will be supporting a fantastic organisation with a tremendous ethos.”

More information on Re-employ can be found here

READ NEXT: MSP presents award to Re-Employ founder Irene Donaldson