50 Years Ago

January 26 1973

The West Fife Co-operative Society Radio and Electrical Shop, at the West End, in Lochgelly, won a prize in the Ever-Ready best dressed window competition with a display featuring the sponsors’ equipment and batteries.

January 25 1973

It was revealed that Cowdenbeath Town Council was the only authority left in Scotland opposing the Housing Financial Provisions Scotland Act and the Secretary of State for Scotland was set to make a move.

25 Years Ago

A public meeting was to be held in Benarty Centre on February 4 to gauge resident’s interest in establishing a ‘Benarty LETS’ trading system, which would allow people to buy and sell goods without cash.

The formation of Cowdenbeath Traders Association was set to take place.

The future of the Cowdenbeath Co-operative Hall was set to be discussed at a public meeting.