THOUSANDS of youngsters have been part of the CACA success story in Cowdenbeath, but an era came to an end with the retiral of chairman David Stevenson.

Cowdenbeath Area Community Association was set up at Beath High School 40 years ago, after a public meeting aired the view that there was not enough for local youngsters to do in the town on a Friday evening.

A committee was set up to organise a family club staffed by volunteers and it opened its doors at Beath and it started the CACA story.

David worked with local Councillor Tom Dair, and community worker Kenny Aitken, to get the ball rolling with the assistance of head of Beath Centre, Gerry Grieve, and soon a team of volunteers had the Friday evening sessions up and running.

CACA set out to keep admission fees as low as possible and the result has been 100 to 150 young people attending every Friday.

David has said: "The reason for the success of CACA is the close relationship between youth workers and the youngsters who attend.

"The youths help decide the direction of the club, ie what funds are spent on and activities."

David said he was sad to be stepping down as chairman after all those years, which was due to other commitments, but he was delighted to say that a very healthy youth club was being left in the very capable hands of Alex Haddow, who has many years of experience in youth work.

David was presented with a beautiful personalised cut glass trophy to commemorate his 40 years service to Cowdenbeath and CACA, amongst other gifts.

This was presented at a gathering of past and present youth workers which was a very pleasant surprise to David and he was particularly pleased to see retired youth workers from the past 40 years.

A special mention was given to David's wife Mary, who has worked tirelessly behind the scenes over the past four decades, and also took her turn as an active youth worker. She was presented with a floral bouquet.

David thanked Alex and Moira Haddow, who organised the presentation event, assisted by the current volunteer youth workers.

A handmade card was signed by all the members of the youth club and given to Mr Stevenson.