The Lochgelly-based Big Hoose Project has partnered with Perth & Kinross Association of Voluntary Service (PKVAS) to help more families in need.

Fife MSP Claire Baker recently visited a new Big Hoose Project warehouse, set up with PKVAS.

She met Shaheena Din, PKVAS chief executive officer, and Paul Paterson, The Big Hoose Project co-ordinator, to hear an update on the service.

Ms Baker said: "The Big Hoose is a vital service, particularly during the current cost of living crisis and the financial pressures that so many people are facing. 

"It also has the benefit of diverting quality goods from landfill by distributing products to those in need in our communities."

Lochgelly's Big Hoose, which was established by Kirkcaldy’s The Cottage Family Centre, recently started working with PKVAS to tackle poverty in communities across Perth and Kinross by distributing surplus from companies. 

Amazon's Dunfermline Distribution Centre are one of their key partners. 

The project supports families by providing households with free everyday items such as toilet rolls, toiletries, cleaning products, bedding and more.

Claire Baker added: “Thank you to the Big Hoose and their corporate supporters for their work to ensure that people who are struggling in the area receive support.”

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